Wednesday, December 29, 2010

~ 28 Dec 2010 ~

coretan drpd seorang wanita biasa....

alhamdulillah, Launching of Heal's Week done!!..Mini clinic berjalan dgn lancar n xsangka pula rmai yg hadir utk wat medical check up such as BMI, blood pressure, blood glucose, type of blood,history taking,  physical examination, n so on..also have blood donation and check ur level of calcium is it ok or not..if not they will suggest u get some of calcium from milk or get some supplement to aoid u from get osteoporosis..=) sebelum start mini clinic ni, kami wat senamrobik + poco2..utk warm up dulu b4 wat kerja2..hehe..=)

after 12noon, bergegas plg kerumah utk follow trip yg di anjurkan oleh Student Career Development ke Forensik PDRM at Cheras..mule ingt cm wat postmortem tu tp salah sangka rupanya..hehe..forensik polis ni cm dorg nk tahu cmna kes2 ni berlaku, nk cari suspek, mcm mana nk detect dorg pakai pistol apa n mcm2 was interesting cz dorg will investigate each thing yg ade kt tmpt kejadian utk dptkan bukti..menarik2!! lagi2 dgr penjelasan En.polis tadi..bersemnagt kitorg tny die soalan…hehe..btw, pngalamn n ilmu bru..polis pn berpelajaran jgk..ade yg engineer ade yg from pure science..fuh, teror2  jgk dorg kan..setiap bidang yg kite ceburi ade keistimewaannya tersendiri kan..=)

gmbr hiasan..=)

haruslah mencari ilmu selagi mmpu kerna ianya tidak akn dtg dgn sendirinya...insyALLAH, harap akn dtg akn bertmbah lagi ilmu lagi..amin..

~~ alhamdulillah...hrp ianya betul..amin.....let it be...focus on ur study 1st FATHIN...=) =)


CIk EpaL hijAu~ said...

Ahahahaha...polis comell 2...

Qaseh Dania said...

heheh..gatai na tini..hehee