Monday, March 19, 2012

~ 1st Aids Professional Certificate ~

coretan daripada saya...

alhamdulillah..the event 1ST AIDS PROFESSIONAL went well and im really2 enjoyed! there were lots of things i had learned during these short time..tiap masa asyik gelak with their jokes.. St.John officers sgt lah friendly and pandai buat lawak..during their slide presentation, banyak dorang selitkan jokes so sstudents tak lah bosan n tertarik with their presentation tgk byk video and banyak case, wounds etc...=)

1st day , ktorg banyak blajar bout theory dulu like meaning of 1st aids, what first aiders do, how they save casualties, and many more..bout 6hours++ blajar theory..^^

time rehat jap..=)) 

2nd day, mempractikkan apa yang telah ktorg belajar time 1st day tuu..hehe..buat ikatan guna bandages..beberapa ikatan ktorg telah blajar..pernah blajar time skolah dulu tapi forgot already..hehe..

then, we had learned what we need to do if someone chocking and in unconscious condition..1stly, surely we were panic kan..sebab tgk org dalam keadaan mcm tu n unexpected plak tu..huhu..but as a 1st aider kena calm supaya org sekeliling tak panic n try ur best to save the casualty oke? =) 

buat CPR( cardio pulmonary resuscitation ) boleh penat juga..tu baru buat kat patung baru not human being..if human, its more difficult coz ada ribcage yg covered up the heart..we need to give compression on chest to make the heart pumping the blood as normal...

ni utk chocking..

then, we have mock drill...paling bessssttttt...^^ macam real punya situation..hehe..kekecohan telah berlaku..hihi

they got stabbed, open fracture, and went thumbless..

blooood everywhere okee..hehe..looked like real blood kot..huhu

amputation of thumb!..

weekend yg best!...hope dapat lagi bersama2 sertai program macam ni dgn korg, classmates!..=))

like this one..^^  "sbb tu le ambil masa yg pjg untuk kenali"

Firman Allah Ta'ala:

Dan orang-orang yang berkata: "Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kepada kami pasangan hidup dan keturunan yang menjadi penyejuk mata (penyenang hati), dan jadikanlah kami ketua bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa."

** kat Penang sudah..err, class SPSS n briefing tu tak dpt nk attend..hope kawan2 dapat bantu saya..last minit bru dapat tau...sobsss.... -___-


Anasyg said...

ohohohoh ! NGERI ! good job thin

Nomad Melayu said...


wow, macam real korang betul kerat jari tu?!

haha, good work junior! ^^

Qaseh Dania said...

anas...hehe....thnkss anas!! bessstt2..hehe

Qaseh Dania said...

ws....hahhaa..mau nanges intan kalu kerat tangan dia..hehehe.

thnkss seniorr!!..^^