coretan daripada saya...
lamanyaa tak blogging..-_-
alhamdulillah...almost 3 weeks dah kat pediatrics ward ni.. macam2 diseases kat ward..kecik2 dah kena admit kat spital dah..semoga cepat baik ye..=)
hm, adik adik be nice to akak ye...^^
upcoming events
- this friday, 21st dec 3rd annual dinner (semangat krg sbb byk kerja -__-)
- 28th dec deans list awrd
- 5th jan hi tea pre grad day
- 6th jan big day! 1st deg convocation =D
- thennn, end of jan, EOP + THEORY examm,,gonna be crazzyy..!@##$^%%*^&^%@%@$